NYSERDA’s EmPower + program

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Free Energy Efficiency Upgrades for New York State Residents

EmPower + is a program that helps low and moderate income New Yorkers get insulation and other energy efficiency upgrades for FREE. Yes, you read that right, eligible homeowners and renters can get free upgrades that will help  lower energy bills and improve the comfort of your home.

EmPower + has two tiers and the first tier is for low income households. Those with less than 4 units in their building (yes, tenants are eligible too) who also purchase energy from National Grid or other similar energy companies and pay SBC (or have oil, propane, or kerosene), and have income below 60% of the state’s median income. This is also the same eligibility for Home Energy Assistance Program (H.E.A.P.) and those in S.N.A.P are also automatically eligible . For more specific information, you can visit NYSERDA’s website here.

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Who Can Use These Energy Efficiency Upgrade Incentives?

Based on the energy assessment, EmPower+ can provide many no-cost energy efficiency upgrades, including insulation, air sealing, and high efficiency lighting. They even offer to replace older, inefficient refrigerators and freezers. There is an opportunity to get special financing for new heat pumps. A more complete list of EmPower+ offerings and more specifics of the program can be found on NYSERDA’s website.

The next tier is for moderate income households, EmPower+ for moderate income is open to even more New Yorkers with higher income limits on who is eligible. This program offers the same free assessment of your home's energy use and offers financing for those eligible to complete the work. This financing can be up to 50% of the cost on eligible upgrades. This program can also assist multi-unit homeowners with income eligible tenants. Those with 2-4 units and eligible tenants can receive discounts on energy efficiency upgrades up to $10,000.


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