July 25

What Causes Ice Dams?

Cold temperatures and heavy snowfall during the winter promotes the formation of ice dams. This causes serious damages to many homes. Unfortunately, most homeowners are left unaware until the damages become irreparable.

Ice dams are ridges of ice that form on the edges of the roof. They are caused by heat loss due to insufficient insulation and air leakage, poor ventilation in attics or a combination of these factors.

Insufficient insulation – some homes do not have enough insulation, especially at the junctions of the roof and walls. Heat transfers through the frames and forms a thermal bridge. This warms the roof and melts the snow. Melted water then runs down to the overhang and refreezes.

Air leakage – Air can leak through walls and ceilings. Warm air that escapes through the ceilings increases the temperature in the attic and promotes the melting of the snow.

Poor ventilation in attics – Having poor ventilation in the attic causes it to warm up. Hot attics contribute to the buildup of ice dams. Proper ventilation in the attic during the winters can draw in cold air from the outdoors and blow out warm attic air thereby cooling the roof in the process.

Damages Caused by Ice Dams

Ice dams occur after a heavy snowfall followed by several days of freezing temperature. During the winter, warm air from indoors is lighter than the air outdoors. It rises and tries to escape through the cracks in your home subsequently heating up the roof and melting the snow. Melted water runs down the roof and refreezes at the edges forming a blockade of ice. Trapped meltwater backs up, seeps through the shingles and leaks into your home causing irreversible damages. Some of the problems caused by ice dams include interior water damage to insulation, ceilings and walls, broken gutters and shingles and formation of allergy-causing molds.

How to Protect Your Home from Ice Dams

The best defense against the damages of ice dams is a cold roof. By maintaining a cold temperature in the roof, you stop snow from melting and forming an ice dam. This can be achieved by improving your home insulation and ventilation systems and by sealing the attic.

Insulation is a barricade that prevents heat loss or heat gain. Proper insulation reduces air exchange between your home and the outdoors. A third of the heat loss from homes escapes from the attic. By fixing gaps, cracks and other problems in the attic you can significantly decrease air leakage. As a bonus, you decrease energy expenditures on heating and air conditioning.

Prevent Ice Dam Formation with True Building Performance

True Building Performance specializes in safe, sustainable and energy efficient solutions. Our experts will provide you with a comprehensive solution to prevent ice dam formations on your homes. Contact us today for a free consult!

True Building Performance is your Most Trusted home insulation contractor company in the Albany, NY region. We hold many certifications to make sure we get the best job done with our many available home energy improvement services offered, like attic insulation, attic ventilationcrawlspace encapsulationwall insulationbasement insulationmold abatement, and more. Explore our site to learn more about our services and common problems in the home, including attic condensationice damsmusty crawlspaces and more. Request a Free Estimate or give us a call today to schedule your home energy improvement service!


Ice Dam

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